Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Advanced Copies sold for $150( that's nearly double what you'll pay) for the information covered in the Muscle Bible but 2 Winners will get it all FREE!

Yes, you can win a free copy of the complete package that goes on sale January 28,2008 at 3 pm EST.
I am talking about the entire course-I'm not giving some highlights version but the entire, honking thing.

You'll have it sent to you launch day along with the people who get in on the first set of courses.

Not this isn't a random's how the 2 winners will be chosen:

Winner # 1-If you are already successful with your training and built a body you are proud of but want a amazing body then let me know your own before/after story. HOW you did it, WHAT you did, your results, etc. and WHY you think this information will take your body to the next level.

Winner # 2- If you haven't already built the body you want or just started getting serious about your physique let me know WHY you think you can build a dream body, HOW you'll use the information in the package and WHAT you'll do with it.

I'll be picking the winner on January 27 2008 from the entries on my Muscle Bible blog (so make sure you include your email so I can contact you if you win).

Hint for entrants: I like specifics and details.

To enter the contest just post your comments to enter the contest. Plus you'll be on the "first-in-line" list to get early access when the Muscle Bible package is available on January 28 2008 at 3 PM EST: (That way you'll get a head start for the first-mover bonuses!)

Everything in the package but the extra bonuses are all yours as the contest winner!


SteveHurwitz said...

Ok Jimmy, I'll take a stab at this. You've impressed me thus far. Ok, first things first, "why do I think I can build a dream body"? To prove that at 44 years old anything is possible. I've been haphazardly lifting weights for 30 years, but it's only been in the past year that I found some real solid information which has transformed my workouts greatly. I never knew intensity until I learned things from you, the authors at T-Nation, and other folks. In fact I managed to get my body to a new level which at my age I never thought was possible. So much so that I'm entering my first bodybuilding contest on March 15th. So, YES!, I need a free copy of the Muscle Bible. Perfect timing in that if I can learn from this series and put it into production, I can garanty a win when I compete. Then, once I've won, I plan on taking my knowledge and helping others with it. I hope to get my personal trainer certification after the contest, and ultimately in the near future open a series of fitness centers in the greater Tucson and then Phoenix area. I love to teach and pass-it-on so with the information I get from the Muscle Bible I hope to be that much better of a mentor. Thanks in advance Bro! Steve Hurwitz (

Senator Brian said...

As a athlete in a college without all the resources to succeed, it is very important to have education to enable you to be where you want to be. In my quest for every lasting fitness and the perfect physique in my eyes, knowledge is the most important way to achieve this.

I think I can build the my dream body because I have the want and the mentality it takes to do everything involved to that commitment. To build the muscle you have to bust your butt in the gym,not just breaking a sweat, but breaking down yourself,physically and mentally. I yet you must know how to rest your body and feed it the resources necessary for that progression to take place. I am willing to go the extra mile to eat well, sleep well,supplement,educate myself and truly dedicate myself to this mission i have been on for years as a former fat boy who still isnt where he wants to be.
With this information, I can truly be a better rounded athlete,healthier and my example should be able to make others want to achieve the same results I will achieve. And through education, I will be able to tell others how I got these results and where to look for help(which also means me telling them to buy your product, had to throw that in there).This too me is more than a goal...Its a lifestyle,and I treat it as such..

I truly believe my reasons for wanting the Muscle bible are valid and strong,and I hope you see them that way as well.


sloh said...

Jimmy, I would like to firstly note that I am a 19 year old college student.

2 years ago, I was a vivid computer gamer. Unfortunately, at a height of 5'6, I unrestrainably allowed by body to balloon up to an obese 200 pounder. When I gave up video games altogether and began my physique endeavor, I started by typing in "lose weight" in google. I managed to starve myself down to an extremely malnourished 125 pounds and developed a case of anorexia.

However, I was unrelentless and continued on my journey to improve my physique. I stumbled upon T-nation and caught the bodybuilding bug, which in a way saved my life. I was ferociously and STILL ferociously reading and listening to everything regarding fitness and nutrition. I currently read everything on t-nation, the muscular development nattie forums, Scott Abel's site, your blog (Jimmy Smith), Alwyn Cosgrove's blog, Kiyoshi Moody's blog, Mike Roussell's blog, and Scott Abel's blog. Furthermore, I listen to the fitcast and No Bull Radio and have watched every "In the Trenches" just to learn the techniques of those more experienced than me. Suffice to say, I am hungry for knowledge and new methods to ameliorate my physical results.

I would like to now talk about my lifestyle and what I think it takes to achieve a great physique. First of all, I am a college student with a meal plan. However, I choose to not eat cafeteria foods but to actually go out and buy more bodybuilder foods because I know that every action either leads me closer or further from my goals. My meal plan at school is spent on bottles of water. My current diet includes oatmeal, chicken breasts, lean red meat (usually top sirloin), ezekiel bread, almonds, Metabolic Drive bars, Metabolic Drive Protein Shakes, Broccoli, Cauliflower. I meticulously calculate my carbs, protein, fat, calories while utilizing certain carb cycling techniques dependent on whether I am trying to gain lean mass or lose fat....and analyze how my body is responding to everything DAILY so I know what works and what doesn't for my body.

I have not missed a single training session in the past year. My training revolves around compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, benching, over head pressing with isolation movements incorporated after. I do cardio on off days, alternating with HIIT and low intensity.

So, starting from an obese 200 pounds, I am now at 145-150 pounds with 10-11% body fat. I know actions and pictures speak louder than I have decided to include a few picture links to my progress. This took about 1.5 years to achieve.



I would now like to talk about how I will use this information. First of all, I do not believe there is an axiom to training. There is a time and place for every method. Furthermore, what works for me may not work for others. I believe the "Muscle Bible" will provide me with a multitude of methods to incorporate into my training regime. With the "muscle bible", I will not have to experiment as much because the methods have already been proven to work. We often hear, the best training program is the one you're not on. Why??? Because your body adapts to the stimulus. You need to incorporate different techniques to accelerate progress. This is why I want the muscle bible.

Thanks for reading this Jimmy. I really enjoyed writing this, and regardless if I win or not, I will be purchasing the Muscle Bible because I believe it will provide me with priceless information. Nothing feels better than achieving a physique beyond other's expectations, and being a former fat boy, I can attest to that. You call this the "muscle bible", and I will treat it as such. You bet that I will be listening to this over and over again. Just as a side note...I was one of the people that received the Charles Staley interview and gave you the testimonial on it. I would just like to let you know that I listened to that at least 7 or 8 times, and absolutely did not take something like an interview from a top coach for granted.

Unknown said...

I want this so bad

rutn-buck said...

Jimmy the Muscle Bible sounds like it is going to be an awesome product with a ton of information, and I would obviously love a free copy. Who wouldn’t? I have been into training since my high school days when I played sports. A few years ago and slacked off a little and got away from working out and eating healthy. I moved about a mile from my work and didn't have a gym close so I had a hard timing going. Once I got out of the habit it was easy to be lazy. My wife is really into fitness so I would still occasionally go to the gym with her on the weekends, but wasn't to serious about lifting and just kind of went through the motions and I ended up gaining about 20 pounds. After the holidays in 06 I decided it was time to make a change and get myself back in shape. On 1-7-07 I weighed in around 182 lbs at 16% body fat. Over the next couple of months I was able to drop about 13 lbs and reduce my body fat. On 3-25-07 I weighed in at 169 at 9% body fat (lean mass 154). I accomplished this by doing the Maximum Growth 8 week muscle size and strength program by Stephen Adele. I then did various other workouts that I basically designed myself from information I read on-line. I read about the Velocity diet on T-Nation and decided to give it a try back in July to see how lean I could get. I did it for 3 weeks and on 8-6-07 I was 153 lbs at 6% body fat. So I was able to lean up really well but I also lost about 10 lbs of lean muscle mass. I then decided to work on my strength and followed a program called MAX-OT off the AST website. It was good program and I got really strong on it and was able to put a little size back on. Well then back last November I was out of town a lot and missed some workouts and then wasn't training very much and wasn't eating very well again. Then the holidays hit and I once again packed on a few pounds of fat, but not as bad as before. On 1-13-08 I weighed in at 170 and around 13% body fat. Well now it is time for me to get back in better shape again. I recently started a program by Chad Waterbury and it's going pretty good. It's a 12 wk program and cycles every 3 weeks between fat loss, low carb to muscle gain higher carb cycles. So far I have lost about 7 or 8 pounds on the first cycle. After I am done with this program I am not sure what my plans are. I will have to see where I am at body comp wise and make a plan from there. I know I could do a decent job of this myself. However, I feel the Muscle Bible would be a perfect resource for me to put together a better plan and to develop the best body I have ever had. However, it will not be just for me. As I mentioned my wife is also very much in working out, sometimes more than me. She's more consistent and doesn't slack off during the holidays and winter time like me. She is not the kind of girl that just goes to the gym and just does a bunch of cardio. She loves training with weights and she said she has been doing so for the past 15 years. She stays really lean all year long. She had been talking about competing in a bodybuilding contest for several years and finally 2 years ago she did. She decided to do it about 4 weeks out from the show and ended up winning her class and was also the overall winner in the novice division. After the show she said she probably wouldn't do another one. She lost a few pounds since then and I actually think she is a little to thin. She only weighs about 110-115 lbs. and is probably sitting between 6-8% body fat and she been at that for awhile. Well now she is talking about doing another show, but knows she would need to put on some mass this time. She hasn't had much success though recently trying to add mass. So I would love to be able to share the Muscle Bible with her and see what kind of bodies we can both build together.

Breeze said...

Lifting weights is not a game to me. It is not a means to keep in shape, and it is not a way to get ladies.

Strength training is an absolutely addiction that drives me. I get to lift heavy weights, look and the mirror, and think about how the weight im lifting and the meals I put into my body after me overall.

I am an iron addict and this is my calling. From the first day I picked up a weight for sports, I always wanted the striations, the hard look, the cuts in my body. So when I got the basics of lifting down, I began to be a physical experiment for myself. Everything I do in the weight room, is an extention of this personal experiment ive been on since 2003. I have to admit, I am a bit of a crazy S.O.B because Im the guy who gets up in the morning to do cardio because I hate so that I can focus the rest of the day on my workouts. When a hurricane was going to hit in florida, I went to home depot immediately. Not to board up my house, but to get sand bags so that I would be able to workout with them in the house because I would not be able to go to the gym. I absolutely hate eating clean, but I know that for me to be where I want to be physically,I have to do it. The hill sprints, the two a day lifting sessions,making sure I take my flax seed oil,fish oils, multivitamins and fat burners in the morning are all just steps to a better and high physique.I even tried german volume training just because I hard it could be and what it would do to my body. I genuinely love to take my body as far as it can go just before it breaks down! Its a fine line that I love to push everyday in the weight room, and then I simply back off to allow of maximum recovery.

I know I can build my dream physique because I know that above all things, that even without the Muscle Bible, it will always be a every lasting driving force in my life. This does not take away from the important of the muscle bible because for anyone, it is going to be a great addition, but some people are going to sit here and come up with extremes and stories just to get one, when they really should look at why they may not be getting progress anyway. I realize I do not have the answers to build my perfect physique on my own, but I know also know that you can not do it unless you truly and honestly, make it a priority in your life, even without everything you need. Sometimes you and two dumbells and some protein will be all you have and its what you have to work with. I already have the ambitiion and absolute insanity to manipulate the body as it needs to be,because I know that is what it is going to take for me to be an absolutely specimen. Because is my goal... To be something no one has every seen before...I want to be as close perfection in all aspects of my body development. With the Muscle Bible, I am one step closer because I will have information to guide me to a new level and take my body somewhere it has never gone before.. I know this is a life long process, and it may never get done,but I will die trying.


Jason said...

Hey Jimmy,
I hope to win the Muscle Bible. My story is like may peoples. I am one of those guys who makes the big resolutions for new years then fall off the wagon after two weeks because I don't have a plan. I am an avid reader of T-nation, so I have the knowledge, but sometimes the amount and quality of information on T-nation and Fitcast is overwhelming. I would do well with a plan for muscle building. I just purchased JB's Precision Nutrition but now I need some plan of attack for the training part, for which I would like the Muscle Bible to be my focus.

I am 38 years old with a 19 month little boy. I don't want to go to his high school graduation in my mid-50s and have everyone think I am his grandpa. I need to turn the hands of time back as best I can. Especially since my wife is getting in shape too and I don't want her to get ahead of me!!

As extra motivation for myself, I have decided to make one of my goals for the year to get my NSCA-CPT certification. I want to look the part if I am going to be certified.

I have a undergrad biochemistry degree, an MD degree and a high interest in bodybuilding and fitness.

Desire isn't the problem. Knowledge isn't the problem. Nutrition, well, kind of a problem. I am the kind of guy who does best when given a concrete plan. It's how I got through medical school. But I tend to flounder when it comes to a do-it-yourself approach. I hope Muscle Bible can help me out.

Thanks for your consideration. Congratulations to whoever wins the contest.

Dr. Jason Hodges MD

Jason said...

Oops, forgot my email
Jason Hodges M.D.

Unknown said...

My story is nothing compared to some of the great stories posted so far, but I'll talk about mysel as long as someon'e listening. I was abot 170lbs, 5'5", and nearly depressed during in May 2007. I was a Junior in college and scared to death as to what i was going to do after i graduate.

I began applying to jobs like crazy, began getting up in the morning and running, cut back on bread, and started the second draft on a full length script I was writing all because I had a really big fight with my mom. Me and my mom had always fought, ever since i was a kid, but this was the first time she had made me cry. As a black belt in Karate and age 20, almost 21, the last thing you think that's going to make you cry is your mother, but she did.

What made me cry that night was the following thought: Do I give up all my hopes and dreams and do what my mother wants me to do? Follow the simple life, get a good job, get a steady income, and go about life just like everyone else, or do i take the path less taken. The one that I want to take and achieve all my hopes and dreams of drawing together the three things i love in life: writing, fitness, and marketing.

After an emotional phone call to my cousin, I decided to keep digging harder. By the end of that summer, I'd lost 13 lbs, finished my full-length script, and had gotten a job as a marketing consultant for a small business.

I also started a website called to keep myself motivated, and to help other achieve their goals. I hope to someway do some online personal traning, and am currently training a good friend of mine with a severe back problem.

I went on an unintentional maintentance phase and haven't been able to lose any weight since August. My weight has dipped down to 155 and even 153, but haven't been able to maintain it. I did some crash dieting last semester, and i DON'T want to do that anymore. I'd rather have a good steady diet and be healthy rather than go extreme, get a six pack, and feel like junk. But I think I have been gradually putting on some muscle. As well other strength qualities such as speed, endurance, and strength have improved as well.

In fact, I just started a new training and diet program today, and this mornign was my frist workout (its funny I opened this email today). So if the other stories aren't motivating enough, then I'd love a free copy of the muscle bible. I'm sure it'll help me rip up without killing myself.

matt_t2004 said...

Hey Jimmy, my name is Matt Tuck, and I am an Exercise Science student at TN Tech University. Basically working out and living the fitness life style is my utmost priority. After being a fat kid all my life I finally lost my fat My Freshman year. I went down from 215 of blubber to 145 of skin, bone, and blubber. It wasnt until my Senior year that I actually started lifting weights and learning a little about proper nutrition. I saw changes in myself and loved it, and ever since then I have been addicted to the iron game. It was not until last year that I found T-Nation, and found out that there is a whole other world of training and nutrition advice that I had no idea about. I have decided that I want to be a top trainer in the industry some day (you know the kind that is on The Fit Cast). The problem is my body is still not where it needs to be. If I can not get my body where I want it then how can i expect clients to come to me and expect me to get their body where they want it. I know that with the Muscle Bible I can go from a 6'1 195 lbs 12% bf 22 year old to a 6'1 210 lbs 8% bf 22 year old. Thanks for the oppurtunity at a free copy of the Muscle Bible.

matt_t2004 said...

Sorry forgot my email Its